Re: Viewing Memory blocks rather than struct or array

From: Rod Armstrong (
Date: Wed Apr 07 1999 - 19:31:05 BST

>How difficult would it be to add the capability to view memory blocks,
>formatted like hexl mode in Emacs(see bottom for example)?
>It is a feature that would be useful for debugging applications that use
>blocks of data that aren't necessariy character data, such as images,
>data streams, etc.

I agree that this would be a desirable feature. Wouldn't be hard to implement.
As a work around, there is an undocumented command already that does something
like this for the stack - in the typing line enter:

$debug:dumpstack > file-name

There is a mention of $debug in the Help -> miscellaneous-> assembler
text. One can "type $debug:?" to get the commands.
In the old 2.55 version, I made this accessible for any address via a
"0x" command. I didn't port that to version 3 because I thought it would
be better to do it properly as an object in the data window, rather
than a typing line command

An partial example from ups is

f6c8+74 f5e8-6c                  effff654 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
f6c8+70 f5e8-70                  effff658 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
f6c8+6c f5e8-74                  effff65c |       0|  |           0|  |????|
                        main:res effff660 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
               main:driver_flags effff664 |ef7f91b8|  |  -276852296|  |????|
                         main:xp effff668 |ef594f10|  |  -279359728|  |?OY?|
                main:want_outwin effff66c |       0|  |           0|  |????|
             main:want_save_sigs effff670 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
              main:use_full_path effff674 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
            main:want_auto_start effff678 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
           main:want_save_config effff67c |       0|  |           0|  |????|
           main:want_load_config effff680 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
       main:want_startup_message effff684 |ef58e93c|  |  -279385796|  |<?X?|
  main:seen_startup_message_flag effff688 |ef7dba38|  |  -276973000|  |8?}?|
                main:done_cc_arg effff68c |       0|  |           0|  |????|
             main:user_gave_core effff690 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
                main:want_window effff694 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
                     main:replay effff698 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
            main:got_source_path effff69c |       0|  |           0|  |????|
                          main:i effff6a0 |effff6c8|  |  -268437816|  |????|
                         main:cs effff6a4 |   26588|  |      157064|  |?e??|
                   main:save_arg effff6a8 |       3|  |           3|  |????|
                       main:args effff6ac |effff72c|  |  -268437716|  |,???|
                   main:usage_eb effff6b0 |       4|  |           4|  |????|
                  main:state_dir effff6b4 |effff738|  |  -268437704|  |8???|
           main:default_corename effff6b8 |       5|  |           5|  |????|
        main:default_source_path effff6bc |effff814|  |  -268437484|  |????|
                   main:textname effff6c0 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
                   main:corename effff6c4 |       0|  |           0|  |????|
[f6c8 main:fp]                   effff6c8 |  148400|  |     1344512|  |????|
        f6c8-04                  effff6cc |       2|  |           2|  |????|
        f6c8-08                  effff6d0 |effff72c|  |  -268437716|  |,???|
        f6c8-0c                  effff6d4 |effff738|  |  -268437704|  |8???|
        f6c8-10                  effff6d8 |       0|  |           0|  |????|

Russ Browne has mentioned possible ways of doing this. I don't have time
to work on ups at present, but may be able to do this after 3.34.


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