RE: conditional breakpoints

Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 07:45:21 GMT

  • Next message: Steffen F. Haeussermann: "ups bugs under C++"
    On 01-Nov-99 Ian Edwards wrote:
    > One solution is :
    > 1) Start UPS as usual.
    > 2) Put a breakpoint at the beginning of the program.
    > 3) Press 'Start'.
    > 4) Add the other breakpoints.
    > If you save and restore breakpoints between running UPS you will need to do :
    > 1) Start UPS as usual.
    > 2) Put a breakpoint at the beginning of the program.
    > 3) Press 'Start'.
    > 4) Click on 'Breakpoints' in the upper window.
    > 5) Press 'Restore' to get your saved breakpoints restored.
    > If you get "Indirect call failed in breakpoint code" and SEGV then :
    > 1) Press 'Kill'.
    > 2) Select the breakpoint that failed and edit the routine name to
    >    another name, e.g. change "strcmp" to "strcpy" and press ESC.
    >    (You must use a routine name that will be found.)
    > 3) Edit the routine name back to what it should be and press ESC.
    > 4) Press 'Start'
    > Regards,
    > Ian.
    Hello Ian
    I tried as you describe but no luck. It emits the warning "function xxxx
    appears more than once!" for any function in and when the program
    reaches the breakpoint invariably emits an "Indirect call failed in breakpoint
    I tried linking in strcmp.o from libc.a, with similar results.
    The libc I use is 5.4.33.
                    Camilo Ramos
    Camilo  Ramos
    Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    Date: 02-Nov-99
    Time: 02:45:20
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