Problems compiling ups3.34 on solaris 2.7

From: Nisha Agarwal (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 22:47:19 BST

  • Next message: Russell Browne: "Re: Problems compiling ups3.34 on solaris 2.7"
    I have just downloaded the zipped version of ups3.34. 
    I unzipped it and now I am trying to compile it on a solaris 2.7 machine.
    After exceuting ./configure, I did make ups and I get some error messages:
    /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:74: parse error before 'pthread_attr_t'
    I am using gcc version 2.7.2
    Any ideas what I am doing wrong...
    Nisha Agarwal

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