Re: Using one ups to follow a child

From: Bob Carragher (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 06:06:35 BST

  • Next message: Rod Armstrong: "Ups 3.37 released"
    Rod Armstrong <> sez:
    > I forgot to add that one can follow the child using just one instance of
    > ups if you want:
    > 1. ups parent &
    >    The parent code did this:
    >   if((child_pid = vfork()) == FALSE)
    >   {                            
    >     /* this is the child */
    >     ....
    >   }
    >   else
    >   {
    >     /* this is the parent */
    >     kill(child_pid, 23);       <<< insert this breakpoint code. 23 is SIGSTOP
    >     printf("child pid is %d\n", child_pid);  << breakpoint code to get pid
    >     ....
    >   }
    >   #stop;  <<<<<<<<< stop here to follow the child
    > 2. At the #stop, edit the target name to the child name, press RET.
    > 3. Attach to the <pid>.
    > 4. From an xterm, continue the child:
    >    kill -CONT <pid>
    > 5. In ups, put a break on main() or whatever, and continue.
    Okay, now I'm intrigued by whether this can be done to enable
    ups to follow threads under Linux.
    Some may remember that I asked about this at the beginning of
    this year.  Basically, ups will hang under Linux if a breakpoint
    is enabled in code that is normally run under a created thread.
    (Actually, I finally traced the code a bit.  It hangs at the call
    to wait() on line 215 of ao_ptrace.c.)
    I realize the fix is not simple, otherwise it would've been done
    by now, but I'm curious as to whether anyone knows what is going
    on, and whether I can insert workarounds in my code.

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