Re: ups with Suse 8.1 gcc 3.2?

From: Tom Hughes (
Date: Thu Apr 17 2003 - 12:40:28 BST

  • Next message: Tom Hughes: "Re: UPS problem on RedHat 8.0"
    In message <>
            Daniel M. Quinlan <> wrote:
    > After loading a new Suse release, I found that ups no longer
    > was able to find the source code to display, I presume
    > because the symbol table format changed (or something of
    > that nature).  I found ups-3.38-beta1 on the SourceForge
    > web site and compiled and installed it, but it was worse:
    > elbert% ups dbcp
    > DWARF error :  dwarf_attr - no entry (DIE <3042><11>)
    > DWARF error : attribute form not string - OK (DIE <3042><11>)
    > Fatal error: segmentation fault.
    > Dumping core ... Segmentation fault
    > Is there any workaround (like getting gcc to return to
    > the older symbol tables?)
    I just had a look at this, and it turns out that it is a problem
    that I fixed a while back - revision 1.4 of ao_dwfsyms.c is the
    relevant edit, details as follows:
    revision 1.4
    date: 2002/10/28 09:42:09;  author: ianedwards;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -2
    From Tom Hughes : RedHat 8.0 has some CU's in it's run time startup code that
    don't have a DW_AT_name attribute - default the name to "" in that case.
    The upshot is that if you build from CVS instead of the current beta
    then it should work fine.
    Tom Hughes (
    Software Engineer, Cyberscience Corporation

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