From: Satish Balay (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 05:48:26 BST
I just tried it from fortran on linux - redhat 7.2 linux - with gcc/g77 3.04 compilers. Debugging fortran works when the sourcefile is .f - but if the sourcefile is renamed .F - which is preprocessed fortran (with c-preprocessing) - things break down. 1. It can't find the main routine (typing in MAIN__ does bring up the main code) 2. Cliking on variables - which are uppercase (in the source) doesn't work. The same variable - if it is in lowercase - does show the value. In the features category for fortran - it would be nice - if clicking on a subroutine/function works (i.e taking it to the implementation of the routine) - for both the cases when the subroutine is implemented in fortran or in C. Thanks, Satish
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