request for feature

From: Satish Balay (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 06:09:40 BST

  • Next message: Rod Armstrong: "Re: request for feature"
    UPS developers,
    I'd like to be able to debug the following example
    localhost:/home/balay/junk>cat x.c
    typedef struct _p_Vec*         Vec;
    int main(void)
      Vec v;
      v = 0;
    localhost:/home/balay/junk>cat y.c
    typedef struct _p_Vec*         Vec;
    struct _p_Vec {
      int a[10];
      char *type;
    VecCreate(Vec *v)
      *v= (Vec)malloc(sizeof(struct _p_Vec ));
    localhost:/home/balay/junk>gcc -g x.c y.c
    localhost:/home/balay/junk>ups a.out
    place a breakpoint at x.c:7 < code: v = 0 >
    I'd like to be able to click on v - and the debugger - resolves
    the type properly (from the info in y.c or something)
    Currently 'Expand' on 'v' gives 'v is not a structure or union'
    But gdb does resolve this structure properly
    (gdb) p *v
    $1 = {a = {-1073742899, 0, -1073742876, -1073742855, -1073742820, -1073742807, 
        -1073742790, -1073742759, -1073742719, -1073742702}, 
      type = 0xbffffcae "LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s"}
    We use this design extensively - and because of it - I'm stuck to using
    gdb for debugging. I'd appreciate if this can be added to ups.

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